
Author: cat-tonic

Do you answer your phone when it rings?

Queries & Theories - Series 2 : Volume 1. Remember when a ringing phone made you rush to pick up the receiver to find out who was on the other end? If you’re under 20, probably not. But the rest of us do. Sadly, in these modern days of obnoxious [...]

By |December 8, 2021|Categories: General|

A high-energy brand for a twisted new company

When long time boat enthusiasts (and twin brothers) Matt and Mark Asplund saw a need in their Lake Havasu community for better boat flooring solutions, they started their own company and dubbed it Twisted Traction. They asked us to create a bold, exciting brand that reflected their passion for boating [...]

By |November 30, 2021|Categories: General|

What’s your favorite social media platform and why?

Queries & Theories - Series 1 : Volume 4. Ah, social media, sparkling bastion of friendship or black hole of wasted time. Whatever it means to you, it’s clearly here to stay. Here are a few of our favorites, and why we love them. I like LinkedIn for connecting with [...]

By |November 23, 2021|Categories: General|

What’s your favorite app(s)?

Queries & Theories - Series 1 : Volume 3. Most apps on your phone get opened once and then sit around gathering digital dust. Because, it turns out, you’re just as bad at Scrabble on the internet as you are in person. But there are likely a few apps you [...]

By |November 5, 2021|Categories: General|

We made movies!

Northwestern Health Sciences University (NWHSU) hired us to develop brand videos, program videos and rich media ads to increase excitement and engagement among prospective students. The digital elements promote the NWHSU brand as well as their nine academic programs. The materials focused on the personal benefits of programs and conveying [...]

By |October 26, 2021|Categories: General|

More collaboration. More learning. More doing.

A new way of collaborating Miro describes itself as a collaborative whiteboard platform. We describe it as the best thing that’s happened to business since the internet. Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but we are seriously obsessed with it. We’ve been using it for a few [...]

By |October 26, 2021|Categories: General|

What’s the best career advice you’ve been given?

Queries & Theories - Series 1 : Volume 2. Have you ever had a mentor, parent, friend, colleague or total stranger give you great career advice? Most of us have had more than one person try to impart their wisdom. The ones that stick might tell you more about your [...]

By |October 25, 2021|Categories: General|

Filling our trophy case

We don’t like to brag, but we’re about to, so please bear with us for a moment. We won! Three Summit Awards, to be exact—for three really cool projects we worked on last year. Because not all agencies work for clients with zillion dollar budgets, the Summit Awards exist to [...]

By |September 28, 2021|Categories: General|
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