
Author: Sam Glubka

The Best Logo in Sports

There I said it. Personal bias aside, the Minnesota United Football Club logo has some incredible strengths that help it stand out, and not just among other sports team logos. With the opening of their new stadium on the horizon, now seems like a good time to gush a little [...]

By |November 22, 2018|Categories: General|

Piquing Interest using the Fundamentals of Design

Creatives in a variety of professions all know that when it comes to making an impact with their work, there are specific techniques that need to be employed. For designers and other marketing professionals the sometimes-tricky aspect of using these techniques is only made more difficult by the limited time [...]

By |November 1, 2018|Categories: General|

The North Star Lights the Way

The Star Tribune has been around since 1867. It has managed to survive through the digital age to become the premier Minnesota-based news company. The logo has gone through a few iterations through the years until it settled in its current form. Overall it isn’t overly striking. It’s simply a [...]

By |September 14, 2018|Categories: General|

Online Marketing: Are you doing more harm than good?

Sometimes advertising can get out of hand. As someone who makes their living creating marketing and advertising I know it’s important to be smart and ethical when making decisions for a campaign. For all the relevant and meaningful marketing being created today there is an alarming amount that isn’t so. [...]

By |August 14, 2018|Categories: General|

Marvel At It

Anyone from Minneapolis or Atlanta can’t help but notice how well the restaurant and bar industry is doing. In fact, for better or worse, Minneapolis was recently named America’s Coolest Drinking City. Which I was sure was a joke about our weather at first… But with restaurants coming and going [...]

By |June 18, 2018|Categories: General|

In a crowded beer market, the Surly brand rises to the top

With the popularity of microbreweries around the Minneapolis metro area its quite a task to put together a brand that stands out among the crowd. Surly Brewing Co has been doing just that since their inception in 2005. Being one of the more well-known breweries in Minneapolis, its marketing success [...]

By |May 19, 2018|Categories: General|

Logos Around Minneapolis: One graphic. Many meanings.

Like many designers, I often find myself evaluating the various brands, print media, and digital media that I encounter on a daily basis. Tearing into every detail I try to discern what was intentional, what was not, what works, and what looks terrible. A trait that my close friends probably [...]

By |April 16, 2018|Categories: General|
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