
Author: Tim Swenson

Stop Being Creepy – musings on marketing and data privacy

As marketers, we believe we have an obligation to produce ads and marketing materials that enhance a customer’s experience, not make them uncomfortable. There are many ways to create an uncomfortable scenario – through inappropriate images, too-intimate messaging or follow up that makes a customer feel stalked. A recent conversation [...]

By |July 30, 2018|Categories: General|

3 tips to improve your workplace listening skills

It’s been said that we are given two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we talk… or something like that. Listening to concerns, questions and needs are all part of being an effective communicator. In the end, that is what all marketers and advertisers [...]

By |July 4, 2018|Categories: General|

Five Years At d.trio

Nearly five years ago, I was brought on as an Assistant Account Executive at d.trio marketing group and they have been a whirlwind of adventure, triumph and exhaustion! I have a couple key memories of when I interviewed for the position. One is changing my clothes in my car so [...]

By |May 11, 2018|Categories: General|

Paper or plastic?

Meeting recall is a key skill for successful marketers. It may seem simple, but research has shown that taking notes by hand is better than typing them on a computer. This was the finding of a University of California, Los Angeles study. In marketing, there are a lot of details [...]

By |May 1, 2018|Categories: General|

My first day – Tim – microblog

In honor of d.trio's 15th anniversary we've asked all of the current employees to write two microblogs. One about their very first day at d.trio, the other about where they were 15 years ago.  My first day at d.trio was April 22nd, 2013 and was filled with a couple meetings [...]

By |January 29, 2015|Categories: General|

Different Ways to Learn

The learning process is complicated and choosing a program can be difficult when you’re not aware of the pros and cons of different types of programs. Whether you prefer in-person or, online courses, they each have their respective benefits and challenges. Hands-On Courses Benefits Face time with instructors Collaboration with [...]

By |September 19, 2014|Categories: General|

Office Ambience and the Benefit of Noise

As marketers, creative problem solving is something that we do on a daily basis. What helps us with that process is music and noise. To us, at times, it can be too quiet to think. Extensive research has been published regarding the topic of noise and brain cognition but recently [...]

By |July 22, 2014|Categories: General|

Groupthink: What it is and how to avoid it.

Groupthink is defined as: “the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility.” It’s basically a pit where great ideas go to die before they even get a chance. Individuals may become stymied and might not pursue or bring up [...]

By |June 19, 2014|Categories: General|

My Year at d.trio marketing group

It’s hard to believe how fast time can go. Last year I was just starting at d.trio marketing group and on cloud 9 because I landed this opportunity. It’s been a whirlwind but below is a short sample of what I’ve learned so far. Direct marketing is on the uptick [...]

By |May 2, 2014|Categories: General|
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