As marketers, creative problem solving is something that we do on a daily basis. What helps us with that process is music and noise. To us, at times, it can be too quiet to think. Extensive research has been published regarding the topic of noise and brain cognition but recently there has been some insightful new information regarding the effect on creativity. There are even websites and apps now that will give you background noise to help your creative process.
The research article: Is Noise Always Bad? Exploring the Effects of Ambient Noise on Creative Cognition published by The University of Chicago Press has found that noise can negatively and positively affect the creative process. In the research they note that there have been a lot of studies that determine noise can ruin someone’s concentration but that creativity is more difficult to measure (and a very complicated process). It turns out that a low to moderate level of noise (think coffee shop) provides just enough stimulation to boost your creative power. It’s not just because the music is good or you’re getting ideas from the clientele. It’s because noise gets you out of your head and works your brain harder. This leads to more creative, out of the box thinking. Just be sure not to blast music or go somewhere too loud because that could negatively impact your creativity.
If you’re interested in getting a creative jump-start there are plenty of ways to do it at your desk while not taking time to go to a coffee shop or disturb your coworkers. Obviously you can listen to the radio or your music but it’s a lot more difficult to find the background chatter that a coffee shop can provide. I’d recommend trying to find that coffee shop sound and finding a good playlist on Spotify (I prefer Office Detox or Your Favorite Coffeehouse).
Hopefully this info has helped your creative process but if you’re still looking for a boost feel free to give d.trio marketing group a call!
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