
Author: Carol Wahl

Remeber Too Proofreed

I read an article on CNN recently that made me laugh – and shake my head in wonder. A Hong Kong-based airline misspelled their brand name on a massive Boeing plane. That is what you call a BIG mistake. How could this have happened? Since English isn’t their native language, [...]

By |September 21, 2018|Categories: General|

See something. Say something.

On a recent trip overseas, I was reminded of a phenomenon that commonly occurs among fellow travelers. The need to share experiences, ideas or recommendations with perfect strangers. The couple sitting across from you on the train recommends a hike they went on. The women at the hotel breakfast tell [...]

By |August 18, 2018|Categories: General|

I didn’t know they still made that!

As a certified Tabaholic (defined as one who is addicted to the sassy, crisp taste of Tab), I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that phrase. And I confess that on more than one occasion I’ve walked into a new client marketing meeting with Tab in hand knowing [...]

By |August 4, 2018|Categories: General|

Here’s a tip. Tips are on the rise.

On a recent trip to Seattle, I was taken aback over how expensive it was to eat out. How can it cost more for seafood on the coast than in the landlocked Midwest? Even more interesting was the automatic 20% gratuity charge. When you click on a Seattle restaurant’s menu [...]

By |May 29, 2018|Categories: General|

Turn the world pink with pride!

One in eight women in the U.S will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the course of her lifetime. In 2013, I (along with approximately 267,000 other women) became part of this alarming statistic. We joined a club we never wanted to belong to. A club that requires a lifetime [...]

By |April 10, 2018|Categories: General|

Marketing Questions that Affect our Daily Living

or Musings from the blister pack encounter As I struggled recently to unseal my cold medicine tablets from their protective enclosures, I began to wonder about how some marketing decisions are made. It’s funny where inspiration can come from – following are musings from my blister pack encounter. Why Aren’t [...]

By |November 7, 2017|Categories: General|
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