Listen Up! Two marketing podcasts that are worth your time.
During the last two years, my daily walks have become much longer and more frequent. In order to pass the time, I invested in a pair of Air Pods and subscribed to audio books. Already an avid reader, it’s allowed me access to an even broader range of content to [...]
The Untapped Source of Lead Generation
One of marketing’s biggest challenges is finding new leads. Pouring through data trying to find the right attributes, researching the best ways to reach your audience and testing the right messages to get their attention when you do find them. But the best source of new leads may be within [...]
Good companies doing good
We all have companies that we love to support – whether it’s because they offer a superior product, provide exceptional customer service, offer the best value, or are a favorite local business. And when you find out a company you love is doing good things, it makes for an even [...]
Tips for reaching your B2B customer at home
Over 25% of the workforce has worked remotely for the last year and predictions indicate those numbers will continue to rise in the years ahead. This leaves B2B marketers facing a new challenge – how to reach a business audience in a home environment. Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet. [...]
Trends to watch in 2021
Predicting the future after a very unpredictable 2020 is no easy feat. But the JWT Future 100 report – an annual compilation of industry trends and changes to watch – provides a thorough overview that’s both educational and fun to read. Guessing you may not have time to invest in [...]
Review – Momentum: The five marketing principles that will propel your business in the digital age by Shama Hyder
I recently attended a webinar hosted by Shama Hyder – a digital strategist, author and award-winning CEO. Her sparkling personality and passion for digital marketing compelled me to seek out and read her latest book, Momentum: The five marketing principles that will propel your business in the digital age. Following [...]
Staying connected with your co-workers
Some companies are beginning to question how to maintain their culture and connectivity with employees working from…literally everywhere. But there are countless innovative ways to stay in touch with your co-workers. It just takes a little imagination and creativity. That’s where we can help. d.trio is already effectively implementing a [...]
Time to rethink your routine. Again.
Seven months and counting into the pandemic, you may be experiencing a rut brought on by working from home full time. Things that used to seem like benefits – like more family or personal time – may have turned into stressors. And the reality of sharing office space with your [...]
Best Practices for Virtual Meetings
Remember when we used to hold meetings in person with live humans in the same room? No? Neither do I. But I do remember the satisfaction of having successfully run a meeting with an outlined agenda, participant engagement and solidified action steps. Just because a meeting is virtual doesn’t mean [...]
New consumer behaviors with staying power
The early days of the pandemic brought with it huge swings in consumer behavior. Some resorted to panic buying and stocked their shelves with toilet paper, canned goods and cleaning products. Some ordered groceries online for the first time. And many others curtailed their spending to essential purchases only. But [...]