Much as been said and or written about the way color shapes our world, our attitude and our thoughts. This, you may be happy to hear, will not be a blog about the psychology of color…fascinating as the subject is.
The original intent of this blog was to study and report on the use of color and Fung Shui. However, my research on this was a bit disappointing. Red=fire and passion, Yellow=happiness, Blue=tranquility and peace, Pink=softness and love. A bit too expected. I was not finding the usual tidbits of interest that a Fung Shui study usually reveals, except for one many of us already know:
“If you want to inspire prosperity in your life, paint your front door red. Subsequently, if you want everyone to know you want more money in life, paint your front door red.”
So, my quest for a color topic continued. I went on a Google rampage searching for something new and interesting about color to share with our readers. Color surrounds us in marketing and even as we are keenly aware of it and its impact at all times…I wanted to find something different and new.
Turns out I found something different, but not so new. Something pretty old. Early 1900’s old.
And I know, I promised this would not be about the psychology of color, and it isn’t, not exactly. This is a psychology test you can take…about color. Seems it was created by Dr. Max Luscher and has been widely used in Europe for screening job and college applicants for…oh, about 100 years. Dr. Luscher studied the responses of hundreds of thousands of subjects (that’s what they state) and compiled formulas that determine how people feel, based on their color preferences. It takes about 3 minutes to complete and, for me at least, the results were surprisingly interesting and pretty accurate. You can learn more about Dr. Lushcer, or take the test at
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