2010 resolution follow-up #5 – What do customers think?
What do your customers really think? If your company has changed in the last year (and most have), it’s a good time to look at your relationship with your customers. Learn what they really think about your company and the products and services that you offer. Obviously what your clients [...]
2010 Resolution follow up #2 – Try something new
Does your marketing plan looking like it did 2 years ago, or have you added some new strategies? Is the year 2010 the year you embrace change? There are so many exciting, new things happening with new media. If you don’t understand what is out there (and why), then first [...]
2010 Resolution follow up #1 – Stop Hiding
You’re really going to have to make things happen for your company, and for job security this year. The depression may be over but the recession is slow to move. So things are not back to normal (whatever that is or will be) – it’s not as scary as it [...]
Top 10 Resolutions for 2010
Have you made your resolutions for 2010 yet? Maybe you're not the type that makes resolutions, or maybe you’re afraid to do anything that looks like a plan coming out of a year where everything changed and plans were scrapped in the Q1, 2009. Whatever your feelings about the year [...]