Double black diamonds, anyone?
Some people think I’m crazy because when I go on vacation, I don’t relax. I go. Hard. For instance, I like to go to the top of the mountain, feel the sun on my face, ski the double black diamonds and fall into bed exhausted at night (ok, maybe after [...]
About Us – It’s Not All About You
Many companies desperately need “a cleanup on aisle 13” – and that aisle is the “About Us” section on their website. It seems the majority of these sections I read are vague, confusing, trite, jargon-filled diatribes that do little to inform the audience, establish credibility or spark interest in moving [...]
Lasers, Juice and a Briefcase of Money
When I picked up the phone, my client almost burst out of it with excitement as they shared with me their new, brilliant idea! I was thrilled they had picked me to help and as my gears started grinding, I began to envision an implementation plan that looked sort of [...]
Real time marketing makes for a pleasant surprise.
Patrick Bettenburg is currently working with d.trio as an Account Executive. A radio commercial I heard recently is a great example of how marketing in the moment, done well, can be very memorable. I had just read the ADWEEK article Real-Time Rules that highlights several national successes of this marketing [...]
Management Perspective
Recently I watched a short creative morning talk by Seth Godin. Speaking about his marketing career, he said he wasn’t a strategic marketer until well into his career, maybe 10 years – it changed his world and the experience of his customers. It’s an interesting take on what’s considered a [...]
Invent some marketing, and boost your brand.
Differentiating a brand is not for the weak of heart. Even established brands can find themselves struggling to create a blip on the sales meter. Too often, the competition is saying the same things you are, or somebody else is first, or says it louder, or – you get the [...]
Read, Reflect and Relax
Technology is amazing. It can help us make great presentations, keep us up-to-date on what is going on in the world and we can now be connected 24/7 and 365 days a year. Our phones are almost always within reach. This brings me to the question: when do we give [...]
Marketing in a tech-driven world
We’re all aware of how much marketing has changed in 5 years and as a marketing company, d.trio’s looked for ways to marry traditional, paper-based tools and channels with digital counterparts. We’ve started seeing the term “Marketing Technologist” used to describe the tech expert in a marketing company or department, [...]
UX Design Principles
Recently, d.trio has worked on a number of client projects with a strong user experience component. This work has acted as a reminder of how the laws of UX design tie into influencing customers’ brand preference. Here are a few principles of UX design that marketers should incorporate into their [...]
5 Simple Tips for Business Travel
Visiting out of town clients or pitching to a prospective client is extremely valuable in strengthening relationships and building new ones. Plus, it is fun to see people in person. Here are my personal tips to make your business travel as stress-free as possible: 1. Minimize clothes wrinkling and the [...]