The hardest thing I have ever done at d.trio marketing group wasn’t a project. It wasn’t an email to a client or working with a vendor either. It was saying goodbye. I remember poking fun at Maureen Dyvig (one of the recently retired partners) when she became teary eyed on her last day. I understand now and fully welcome the fun poking at me this go around. Sorry Mo! When I started at d.trio I was 24 years old and green as summer grass. Now, seven years later, I want to share some of the “firsts” that I had at d.trio.
In my interview with d.trio, the partners asked me “How would your friends describe you?”. I paused for a while and I vaguely remember Megan asking if she needed to repeat the question. I kind of snapped at her and said, “No. I’m thinking.” Three people with decades and decades of experience interviewing someone who was an intern a year before and they wanted to know what my friends would say? My friends and I are kind of a sarcastic bunch. The words that came to mind weren’t exactly the best for an interview answer. The one word that I remember was “stubborn”. It’s true too. I am a stubborn person but when I said that, Megan asked if “tenacious” might be a better word. It is a better word. Lesson one at d.trio marketing group.
The first business trip I ever took (and I mean EVER) was with Sheryl to meet one of our clients in Atlanta. After getting settled into the hotel, we needed to grab some dinner. Since this was my first time in Atlanta, Sheryl thought I should go to Gladys Knight’s Chicken and Waffles. I of course ordered the Midnight Train and some iced tea. After a sip of my iced tea, I realized that I made a mistake. Sweet tea is the standard in the South and I never made that mistake again. After devouring my fabulous meal, Sheryl and I were walking back to the hotel and I told her that I was still hungry. After expressing her surprise, we ended up going to the hotel bar to get some more food (three shrimp tacos) and I was able to watch the Minnesota Wild win a playoff game in overtime. Best first business trip ever. The office (and Sheryl) are still surprised (impressed?) at how much I can eat.
Not long into my time at d.trio, I went on another business trip to meet a new client. This client needed help with building digital display ads quickly and they needed a lot of them. After our initial meeting, I was a little overwhelmed to say the least. When I mentioned this, the entire team rallied behind me and gave me the confidence I needed to take on the project. I didn’t know I had it in me to work on something like that, and the only reason I was able to is that d.trio trusted me to do so. I can’t thank everyone at the office enough for that.
There is so much I will miss. I will miss my friends at d.trio and I will miss my clients as well. I’ll miss the happy hours and the talks about sports, marketing and all the other weird conversations we had. I had a lot fun. The thing I will miss the most though, is taco day.
So long.
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