By Published On: January 29, 2014

Our word of the month for January is “Identify” and we chose it for a number of reasons: At the end of the year we like to identify things we’ve accomplished, and what needs to change. At the beginning of the year and it’s time to identify goals for the upcoming year to help guide our business to grow and improve. “Identify” is a positive word. As individuals, we identify with people and businesses we like and with whom we have an affinity. In marketing you identify your audience – as well as the opportunities, key strategies and tactics to produce a successful marketing campaign. So we felt it was apropos to lead the year thinking of this word and letting it guide us. It’s important to take stock at least once a year so you know where you’re going and have a clear idea what you want to get done. With that in mind, we hope you identify your key success strategies early in 2014 and have a great year!

About the Author: cat-tonic

Born of curiosity and enthusiasm, we’re a scrappy group of smart, passionate marketers who work hard and play hard. We show up every day and fight for our clients who are making the world a better place. We listen with curiosity, explore deeply, ask hard questions, and sometimes put forth ideas that might make you squirm. Because we believe the status quo is good for growing mold but not much else. The way we see it, change is the way forward and the magic happens when curiosity, math, science, instinct, and talent intersect.
2014 Global Design Trends
d.trio's 2014 New Years resolutions