Getting the most for your marketing dollars, (even if it costs more).
Here at d.trio, we work within tight budgets all the time. So we’ve become pretty good at squeezing every cent from each and every dollar. Sometimes, a small budget can be an asset. It can force you to be more resourceful and push you to come up unique solutions. That’s [...]
I can see the future from here…
Last week my husband picked up takeout Asian food as he does several times a month. Found a new place near our home and the food was pretty good. Might just become our new go-to place. We finished dinner and topped it off with a fortune cookie. I have a [...]
Create an image with words and double the impact
It was an iconic moment in history when then President Nixon declared, “I am not a crook”. I remember this moment, even though I was…a relatively young child. I can still see his face and hear the urgency in his voice as he said these fateful words. Some researchers believe [...]
Can changing our habits make us better marketers?
We all want to lose bad habits and develop good ones and we all know how difficult that can be at times. I’ve been in the process of attempting to reinstate my meditation practice and I’ve been struggling to understand why this has been so hard. Recently I read an [...]
When brands photobomb
We’ve all seen it and in many ways we’ve become accustomed to or even accepting of it. A brand photobomb can be an overly-obvious product placement in a movie, golfers decked out in too many logos, Jen mentioning dry eyes at the Oscars, and perhaps the original, race cars. Sponsorship, [...]
The Zen of Unplugging
Twenty years after my father had quit smoking I would watch him tap his shirt pocket, looking for his pack of cigarettes. The habit was so ingrained in his DNA I’m not even sure he was aware of his actions. Finish a meal, tap the pocket, get in the car, [...]
My first day – Maureen Dyvig – microblog
In honor of d.trio's 15th anniversary we've asked all of the current employees to write two microblogs. One about their very first day at d.trio, the other about where they were 15 years ago. My first day at d.trio it was not yet d.trio. It was three people in Megan’s [...]
Marketing to women
An interesting item pulled from the latest issue of Adweek, found in an article about marketing to women, “Women control the vast majority of consumer spending in this country, yet when asked in a survey if advertisers understand them, 90% of women said no.” A missed opportunity? I’d say. In [...]
10 Ways to Get Happy
Ahhhh Pharell, you gave us a song to make us happy even as it’s driving us all a little bit crazy. We saw you on Oprah and you seem like a legitimate, caring person. We are even starting to appreciate your exceedingly homely hats. But, you did more than that, [...]
The hidden secrets of color
Much as been said and or written about the way color shapes our world, our attitude and our thoughts. This, you may be happy to hear, will not be a blog about the psychology of color...fascinating as the subject is. The original intent of this blog was to study and [...]